The kids threw the kitten from the 8th floor and watched it fall down…

This happened 4 years ago. Kids threw the little kitten from the 8th floor of the house and laughed, looking at it “fly”. A girl, named Tamara Mazitova, was passing by. She saw the little living creature sprawled on the sidewalk in the puddle of its own blood. And from above happy voices of the kids were heard: “So? Is it dead or alive?”.

Tamara was simply shocked by this cruelty. Then the kitten moved its body and made a weak sound. The girl calmly picked up the unfortunate animal from the ground and immediately took it to a vet clinic. There the vets cleaned the dried blood from its broken nose. They put its two paws in a plaster and the vets even offered putting pins.

The second day, Tamara went to another vet clinic. They removed the plaster and explained, that its front paw was plastered with a torn wound, so everything was festered. The little creature wasn’t moving, when pus and plaster pieces were taken out of the wound. Then Timoshka (Tamara called him like that) was operated on and was appointed a treatment.

The bones of his front paw were crushed into small pieces, so that it was impossible to be connected. That’s why, they put some pins there. The hind paw was worse. It was just hanging out holding only on the skin. Two more pins had to be put there.

Tamara had been treating the cat not for one or two weeks, but for many months. The baby had high fever, and would often cry in pain. Even his tail was broken. It should have also been treated.


Surely, he became disabled. Timoshka hobbles severely. His jaw is slightly sideways. However, this is not the most important thing: he is so grateful to the woman saving his life that he just “radiates” warmth and affection. And Tamara tries to forever forget the thing that happened to the little cat.

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