American girl Jenny was escorted down the aisle by the man with her father’s heart

Jenny Stephen’s dad was killed 10 years ago. His heart was transplanted to Arthur Thomas from New-Jersey. And this man had come to the wedding of the daughter of the man, who gave him a second life. There was a reason for him  to come. The man came to escort the girl down the aisle.

In Autumn, 2006, a 16-year-old teenager attacked Jenny’s father Michael to rob him. However, the juvenile criminal didn’t calculate his strength and, as a result, killed the man. He was caught and sentenced to 40 years of imprisonment. The family of the deceased took this news with pain. Still, the family was strong enough to donate Michael’s heart to another man, whose life was on the verge of life and death. That person was Arthur.

According to the set rules, the donor’s family can keep in touch with the person to whom the organ was transplanted. That’s why Michael Stephen’s family was in touch with Arthur Thomas. Mostly it was phone calls and holiday cards.

10 years after the death of Jenny’s father, she and her boyfriend decided to marry. The girl started to consider, who the one to escort her down the aisle would be. The girl’s fiancé suggested Arthur for this role. Jenny thought over the idea and finally decided to call the man. Arthur did not immediately agree. First, he talked this over with his family and only then agreed to.

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