Dog went back to the life in chains when his owner was gone

Thanks to volunteers the poor dog managed to start a new better life!

When a dog’s owner dies, they should be adopted by people who are really going to take care of them. However, this 12-year-old dog was not that lucky.

The owner of this dog passed away, and the people who adopted him later turned out to not care about the poor animal. His sufferings continued until a volunteer learned about him and came to help.

When the volunteer arrived, he saw the dog in chains. The poor dog couldn’t understand what was happening. However, he still let the volunteer free him from the chains. A new better life awaited the adorable dog.

The dog’s name was Roger. First, volunteers washed Roger, as he hadn’t had a shower for a long time. They they fed him before sending him to his new home. Luckily, Roger is now in good hands and is undergoing a treatment.

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