Chicago zoo announces the birth of a new baby porcupine

Experienced professionals love the little angel and do their best to meet her needs!

On March 19,  9-year-old porcupine Lucia gave birth to a baby porcupine, according to the Chicago Zoo. As soon as the baby was born, the zoo staff started paying close attention to how the mother reacts to her baby. However, Lucia didn’t show proper maternal care. That is why, the zoo staff had to take up the responsibility of taking care of the baby.

Experienced professionals love the little angel and do their best to meet her needs!

Animal care experts at the Brookfield Zoo provide round-the-clock assistance to the newborn. The staff, however, hasn’t named the cub yet.

Special care includes bottle feeding. The baby eats a special mixture for the proper development of the porcupine.

Eventually, the cub will skip to a proper diet. At 10 weeks, the baby will be able to eat hard food (peanuts, seeds, spinach, beans, corn etc.).

Tenacious-tailed porcupine can be found in high-mountain tropical forests of South America. Newborn porcupines have soft needles that protect the mother during the childbirth. They harden a few days after being born. Later the needles harden enough to become a protective shield.

Now the baby is happy in the zoo with her caregivers. They always feed her and treat her like an ordinary child.

We are grateful to the zoo employees for defending wild animals!

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