The owner did not understand why his alabai was not sleeping in the booth

Booth with a secret

For Yuri from the Kemerovo region, it once became a mystery why his dog would sit on the street constantly. He has a nice booth where he can spend the night. And he sits anywhere in the snow, in the rain, but not in his shelter.

It was necessary to solve the problem. There is no guarantee that the pet will not get sick, after all. It’s possible that something unpleasant has entered the booth.

After finding some free time, he went to the booth and was shocked by what he saw. He found another dog in the booth with some puppies

The dog turned out to be thoroughbred. He saw her a few months ago. But he thought some visitors had brought it. In the fresh nature, Yuri kept a small cozy place where you could relax with your friends for a few days.

A few days later, the other dog disappeared. He thought that her owners had simply taken her away.

He dealt with the unexpected responsibility. He took care of the puppies, so that everyone was comfortable. He gave them good care when they grew up. He kept one of them for himself. The puppy looked a lot like his father.

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