Photos taken of two rabbits at the right moment

Two rabbits in an aerial battle

Being at the right place at the right moment provides wildlife photographers with amazing outcomes. And these two Japanese photographers have a huge album of fantastic shots.

Takayuki and Maruya Nakamura are incredibly talented photographers. They have spent over 20 years of their life capturing rabbits on camera.

And is there any place to meet thousands of rabbits better than Ōkunoshima, also known as Rabbit Island. It’s a small island in the Inland Sea of Japan.

The two photographers spent most of their life photographing the numerous rabbits of the island. And the results are just breathtaking!

Recently they came across two rabbits in an aerial battle and surely decided to capture the fight. They compared the shots to the manga series “Fist of the North Star”. It’s amazing how similar they look!

At some point, it’s really hard to even imagine rabbits engaged in a fight. However, these cute and fluffy creatures turn out to be quite good martial arts masters.

The photographers shared the shots on Twitter, and no one could stay indifferent to them.

“Aerial battle like in ‘Fist of the North Star’ “, the photographers captioned the photos. The post immediately went viral and received thousands of replies.

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