The girl was handed a kitten in the dark! When she got home, she realized that something was wrong with it…

What a great birthday present!

Margarita Baranova decided to make herself a birthday present! What do you think she wanted most for her birthday? A kitten! 🙂

Margo wanted to buy a kitten on her birthday. It took her all day to find a pet, contacting different shelters, but for some reason she didn’t succeed. Either the sellers did not pick up the phone, or the phone was turned off, or someone had already managed to buy a kitten.

It was already evening when Margo found an announcement, according to which she could go and take the pet. The girl was happy, as it was near her house.

However, it was too soon to cheer up!

No taxi service could find the address mentioned in the announcement. Finally, Margo managed to find a car and went to take the kitten.

It was a late evening in August. Some people met her outside the gates of the house, handed her a kitten in the dark. They turned on the flashlight only for a few seconds. The people took the money from Margarita and left immediately.

What could she do? The girl took the kitten and got in the car. On the way home, she felt a strange unpleasant smell from the kitten. Besides, the animal was much smaller than it was supposed to be at 2 months, it was also constantly squinting.

Margarita could watch the little creature closely only when she got home. The kitten was skinny and had inflamed eyes. The white fur of the pet was stained, and there were some black spots in the ears.

The girl surely took the cat to the veterinarian clinic the next day. The kitten turned out to have a good number of sores. The doctors were extremely surprised that the pet was still alive!

Margo didn’t think for a second about putting the animal to sleep. The girl decided to fight for its life!

For two weeks, she had been feeding the baby from a syringe every two hours and giving it injections daily. The girl’s effort were not in vain: the kitten was getting better!

Now the little thing has changed unrecognizably. Eventually, he recovered, grew up, and became the favorite pet of his owner and her young man.

What a great birthday present!

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