This woman has been living in the forest all alone for 18 years

There are no provoking factors in the forest

Few people can imagine their life without basic household amenities, such as electricity and centralized water supply. The mobile phones have become a part of a person.

Englishwoman Emma Orbach deliberately gave up worldly life and settled in the forest. The woman eats vegetables that she grows on a plot of land near the house. She has 3 goats, 7 chickens and 2 horses. 18 years ago, Emma dug herself a dugout and has been living away from the hustle and bustle of the city ever since.

The finishing material for the dwelling was a mixture of mud and horse manure. Straw became the material for the walls. The woman says that the smell of horse manure is much more pleasant for her than the smell of men’s lotion. Orbach enjoys her life and claims that she does not need anything more.

She has practically eliminated contacts with people and goes to the neighboring town only when she wants to amuse herself with sweets. She takes a bath once a month and uses the toilet dug in a nearby clearing.

Emma does everything by herself. She cuts wood and carries water from a stream that flows near the hut. Her dwelling is called “the land of spirits”. In the evenings, the hermit has fun playing the harp. The woman goes to bed quite early – at dusk.

Orbach claims that living in nature has relieved her of stress. There are no provoking factors in the forest. There are no worries about conflicts at work or unpaid mortgages.

Children and grandchildren do not forget about Emma and occasionally come to visit. The woman is always glad to see her family.

Her only request is to leave all electronic devices away from the forest hut.

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