Blind kitten was rescued by volunteers

It’s a miracle he survived

Passers-by saw a kitten sitting on the street. But only the most caring ones called the specialists with a request for help. The volunteers, arriving at the place, saw such a picture that they felt sorry for the baby. A very small, blind and completely helpless kitty was sitting alone on the street and at any moment could become a victim of predators, as well as skinners. Her mother was not far from her. There were two more cubs next to her. Both she and they needed help, too. But the girls decided that they had to help the blind kitten first.

The volunteers took her and carefully put her in a carrier. At the same time, the cat began to stomp on the plaid blanket with her paws. She was scared of everything, didn’t know where she was and where she was being taken. After all, she didn’t see anyone or anything.

In the shelter, this “girl” was given the nickname Kenshi. There she was bathed, then fed. At first, she ate very timidly. But then greedily began to eat everything that was given to her.

Then there was a medical examination. The doctors said they couldn’t cure Kenshi’s eyes. They will need to be removed. However, after surgery, the kitty would feel much better.

Two days later, the same volunteers came for the rest of the cat family. Both Kenshi’s mother and her two brothers were saved. The kids were put next to Kenshi so that she wouldn’t feel lonely.

After a while, the cat had an operation on her eyes. And she began to restore her health. Kenshi had been blind before, so it was not difficult for her to adapt to blind life in new conditions.

At the same time, if you look at her from the side, you can’t guess that the cat is completely blind. She runs, jumps, plays, catches up with a mouse toy like others. The other senses help her navigate.

And another good news. The other day, a kind woman adopted Kenshi. However, she gave her another name – Cherry. The blind kitty lives with her calmly and happily, communicates with the other cat, named Charlie. He is, by the way, the same color and also blind.

It’s much easier and more fun to live together with these animals.

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