Snowy Owl noticed in NYC for the first time in 130 years

The appearance of the bird became a real sensation!

As The New York Times reports, on January 27, New Yorkers gathered in Central Part to see a snowy owl. The bird hadn’t appeared in New York for 130 years. According to owners, these birds were last seen in Central Park in the 19th century.

Unfortunately, people were unable to take photos of the owls back than, so we lack evidence. That’s why, on that day thousands of people gathered to see the snowy owl for the first time in their lives.

Manhattan Bird Alert posted a video on Twitter: “The crows didn’t bother the Snowy Owl much. People are respectful and quiet, watching the bird from behind the distant fences”.

The video quickly gathered 82K views and 2K likes. Some of the people, who were lucky to see the snowy owl also left a few photos of the bird in the comments.

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