“Heartbreaking Incident”: Bison culf was euthanized after a man rescued it from a river

The herd rejected the little creature

A heartbreaking incident took place at Yellowstone National Park, where park rangers had to make the difficult decision to euthanize a newborn bison. The calf was intentionally disturbed by a park visitor, resulting in its herd rejecting it. A photograph released by the park depicted an unidentified man lifting the bison calf from Wyoming’s Lamar River after it became separated from its mother during a river crossing.

After the separation, the calf started following cars and people, prompting visitors to report the situation. Despite repeated efforts by park rangers to reunite the calf with its herd, they were unsuccessful. Eventually, park officials had to make the difficult decision to euthanize the calf due to the herd abandoning it and the calf posing a danger on the road.

The park officials took to Twitter to defend their decision, explaining that it was based on the preservation of natural processes in national parks. They emphasized that the calf, being unable to care for itself and not a suitable candidate for quarantine, left them with limited options.

The incident highlights the significant impact human interference can have on the well-being of wild animals. The park service reiterated the importance of giving wildlife space and respecting the park’s regulations, which require maintaining a distance of at least 25 yards from animals such as bison, elk, and deer, and 100 yards from bears and wolves. Violating these rules not only carries the risk of fines but also endangers both animals and humans.

The newborn bison’s body was left in the ecosystem, following the natural cycle observed in the park. Like the other 25% of newborn bison that die each spring, the calf’s demise will contribute to the food chain, benefiting various animals, from bears and wolves to birds and insects. Yellowstone National Park sees this as part of their stewardship responsibility entrusted to them by the American people.

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