Kind horses were looking after the deer cub until his mother arrived

His mom was hunting somewhere nearby, and the adult horses made sure the fawn was safe

What would you do, if you saw a kid wandering around without his parents?

Obviously, we would, first of all, make sure that the baby was safe, and then we would contact the police to notify them about the lost child. His parents or relatives might be around, looking for him. And while the authorities are looking for the parents, we might as well feed them and even put them to sleep if necessary. The baby must be in a safe and comfortable place, while he’s waiting for his parents.

Turns out, animals have the same instincts.

Animals also take care of lost babies. Mothers, especially, protect little cubs from dangers and predators. They even find some food for them.

When these horses found this fawn roaming around their farm, they did the same thing.

Steamboat Radio described how Kelly Mae discovered this touching image on a ranch in Ruth County, Colorado.

A deer fawn ended up among some horses. It may seem strange, but adult horses and, especially, mothers went to protect the baby. The fawn, however, was not abandoned. His mother was hunting somewhere near, and was expected to come after the baby later that day.

The horses made sure the baby wouldn’t run into the forest until his mom was back from the hunt.

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