This blogger is still living in the 50s

This retro style actually looks amazing

Lacy Fay is a blogger from the USA, who doesn’t want 50s to be gone. She first heard about the life in the 50s from her grandmother and was very impressed. She would always ask her grandmother to tell her more details about that period.

All these stories inspired her, and the woman decided to “go back in time” and start living in the 1950s. She persuaded her husband to buy an old house and redesign it in the retro style.

Lacy found all the necessary stuff in flea markets. All the furniture is in a good condition and equipment still works perfectly, although it’s over 70 years old. After getting the house done, the woman made her other dream also come true. She bought herself a retro car.

The woman creates her and her husband’s image inspired by the pictures from the 50s magazines. By the way, she sews their clothes herself! Bright makeup and unusual hairstyles are an important part of her everyday look.

Their son was not pleased with his mother’s passion for the retro style. But soon, he got used to it and started tolerating it. Although he doesn’t want to dress in the 50s style, but he’s happy to accompany his mother to the flea markets.

Many people consider Lacy a strange woman. However, her YouTube channel subscribers admire the originality of this woman and keep supporting her idea.

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