“Minus 200kg”: story about a woman, who lost weight, saved her marriage and gave birth to the long-awaited son

At 32 Brittani Fulfer weighed 274kg. Her life was more like an existence, as it was difficult for the girl to even move. However, she took herself together and could go back to normal life.

However, despite her obesity, the girl could get married to a guy named Bill.

In fact, he loved her not for her appearance, but for her soul. In addition, he also had weight problems, so they had many things in common.

It would seem – what else is necessary to be happy? 

Actually, with time Brittani’s weight was continuously growing, and she realized, that sooner or later even Bill would not look at her with loving eyes, and wanted to change.

Then she applied to take part in a weight-loss competition, and so began her long journey to her dream body.

It’s worth mentioning that the woman achieved incredible results! She was the fastest to lose weight – everything thanks to healthy diet and exercises.

And when she lost 120kg in a year, she realized, she couldn’t stop there and wanted to go further to her goals.

Well, and now Brittani weighs only 72kg, and this is not her limit! The most important thing is that everything goes great with the husband and they finally could become parents.

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