Siblings with beautiful eyes became the stars of the network

Their blue eyes look very unusual

Thanks to social networks, people get the opportunity to demonstrate their unique appearance and even build a modeling career with the help of natural features. Sometimes it happens with children. We found out about siblings whose Instagram has already gained more than 74,000 followers.

When you look at Aria and Luke, you’d think they were twins. But in fact, the babies were born with a difference of a year. Aria is older than her brother by as much as 14 months.

The children were very young when their mother Sheena Walters realized how much attention and compliments her kids receive. All because of the fact that their blue eyes look very unusual.

The fact is that both children are very similar to their mother with underlined African roots, so this shade of the iris seems incredibly unexpected and original. Interestingly, the parents have eyes of a different color. These are the wonders of genetics!

The unique appearance of Aria and Luke is appreciated not only by ordinary people, but also by photographers, as well as model scouts. That is why the children are already participating in fashion shoots. It is assumed that as they grow up, they will continue their modeling career. Children are also filmed in advertising, for example, children’s goods.

In order to further develop Aria and Luke’s media, their mother started a TikTok account. In total, the children already have more than 470,000 subscribers on all platforms. And recently the family launched its YouTube channel, so it is expected that the number of followers will only grow.

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